Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ground Pork Wonton Soup and Reflections

Ground Pork Wonton Soup is a great dish for your entire family or just yourself to have for a few days for leftovers to ease your need for cooking. My wife is Chinese and her mother taught her this recipe.

1 lb of ground pork

light soy sauce

1 pack of wonton wraps (Nasoya is what we use)

(my addition of ingredients as i derived this from my grandmother's style of making broth for veal)

2 tablespoons of butter

dash of marjoram leaves

dash of thyme

4 to 6 chicken bouillion cubes (Wylers preferred)


Lightly soak soy sauce in thawed ground pork, feel free to use hands to mush the meat with the soy sauce to ensure it is thoroughly but lightly soaked.

Use a large boiling pot to boil bouillion cubes, thyme, marjoram leaves, and butter. Once boiled, turn off heat temporarily.

Lay one wrap at a time on a plate. Put small amount of meat in the middle and fold wrap as instructed on wrap package. Use water to ensure the wrap is sealed. If too much meat, you will know when you see wrap ripped as you fold. I just splash water on plate first and then more water on top of it with meat to ensure it is sealed. Place wrapped meat on a large cutting board or large plate to set aside. Continue until all wraps are used. Left over meat can be turned into meatballs is what I did.

Place all wrapped meat and meatballs into the large boiling pot with boiled broth. Reheat until boil. When you see the wrapped meats pop up to the surface of the water, turn off immediately as it is ready. If you continue to boil after the wrapped meats pop up, the dish will be overcooked and your family, especially my wife will be pissed! :)

My wife's mother, my mom in law, likes to learn sign language when she is with us. She likes especially this sign, "Shared Food Tastes Better". Amen to that! Bon Appetit! :)

After cooking the Ground Pork Wonton Soup, I put Phil on top of my shoulders. I had no idea he was going to turn me into a pig! :)

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